
Msrriott's Walk Shopping Centre
Opening Times: mon to sat 9am - 5.30pm and sun 10.30am - 4.30pm
Marriotts Walk Shopping Centre
September 2020 Marriotts Walk Blog Headers 927x356px

Be prepared for the autumn term as kids head back to school

Children are looking forward to enjoying school time.

The return to school has brought more changes than could ever be expected this year – and as summer turns to autumn it is time to look ahead for winter-ready clothing.

It is not just routines that are different for children, secondary school children may also have had to adapt to wearing masks in school corridors.

The advice remains up to individual schools, though is required areas of local lockdown, but many families are choosing to wear masks to help to stop the spread of Covid-19.

With the propensity for youngsters to ‘misplace’ their belongings it may be worth also picking up a few extra masks as you invest in warmer outfits.

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Face masks for school

As each school has a level of autonomy over its own uniform rules, and the application of face mask guidelines (except for areas of local lockdown), this may affect the choice of face covering for your child.

It might be that the school prefers plain face coverings or recommends ones that blend in with the colour of the uniform. Equally, a school may choose to allow the choice of design to be left to the pupil’s discretion to encourage pupils to wear face coverings.

Many high street stores now sell reusable face coverings, which are ideal to help keep waste to a minimum. Find adjustable masks to ensure a good fit at Fat Face and plain black masks at New Look, while Marks and Spencer sell a good choice of 5-pack masks in child-friendly patterns or plain colours.

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Get ready for the colder days with winter school coats

While spring/summer coats may have got a lot of use on family walks during lockdown these will also last through the early weeks of school, but as autumn arrives the temperatures can suddenly drop so it’s a good time to invest in a new winter coat.

Parka jackets, ski jackets and thermal-lined waterproof coats are available from a wide number of shops in a variety of colours and styles. Trespass has a huge selection of jackets designed to keep kids of all ages warm and dry on the school run; along with offerings from Fat Face, Marks and Spencer and New Look there should be something for everyone’s tastes at Marriotts Walk.

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Make the walk to school easy with the right shoes

With parents and pupils being encouraged to walk to help create more space for social distancing, having the right pair of shoes will make a difference. The demands of a rainy morning are very different to the sunny mornings of September so plan ahead to avoid soggy feet.

There is now a better selection of shoes for girls that offer a decent level of protection so look for a high fronted pair with a decent grip or play it safe with black winter boots. Boys generally enjoy a wide choice of robust shoes, but double check the soles are fit for the walk – and the weather.

Marks and Spencer has a good range of affordable, sturdy footwear for boys and girls.

For younger school children, wellies that can be slipped off at the school gate are ideal – and will be handy for outdoor learning when needed – find a good selection at Trespass.

Shopping at Marriotts Walk

Shopping at Marriotts Walk

Before visiting please check the latest opening information related to trading hours for different businesses.

NB: Information available and correct at the time of publishing this article. From time to time stocks may be unavailable or ranges discontinued at the Witney stores.





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