Put health and wellbeing first in 2023 to enjoy the new year with confidence
If you make one resolution for 2023, why not make one to put yourself first and take better care of yourself – from the clothes your wear to the exercise you take?
Wellness takes many forms, and it is certainly not just about being healthy, it is about feeling good and nourishing your soul. This takes different practises for different people but we all should know by now that the basics are exercise, getting enough sleep and eating well.
Happiness matters. If you feel positive you will approach each day with a more optimistic attitude – and this comes from feeling good and doing the things you love. At the end of the day, if you don’t feel positive, doing all the things you are supposed to do to look after yourself will feel so much harder.
The number one rule of wellness is sleep. Without getting enough shut eye we can quickly become cranky and run down, with everything feeling like a big effort. Set yourself up well for a good night’s sleep. Choose cosy bedding that is comfy and welcoming; that makes your room look like the place you want to spend eight restful hours.
Invest in some comfy nightwear. Yes, most people won’t see it, but are you getting your best night’s sleep in pyjamas that are too big or too tight? If you struggle to sleep why not invest in a pillow spray scented with lavender to help you drift off? And make sure you have a bedside lamp so you don’t have to get up to turn the lights off if you read at night. Make your bedroom a haven for sleep, to give yourself every chance of a restful night. Find what you need at Marks and Spencer.
When it’s cold and wet, it can be hard to drag yourself out of your warm house but once you’re outside moving you will really start to feel a lift.
Routine is key to keeping fit so don’t let your routine slip, or if you are resolving to get fit this year put the foundations in place and start as you mean to go on – just make sure you have the right clothes to keep you warm. Wicking fabrics that draw sweat away from the body and that can be layered are ideal for winter workouts.
If you are just getting into exercise, walking is a good choice. Low impact and accessible, but great for your body and mind. Choose a waterproof coat and a good pair of boots so that you can explore the great outdoors in comfort.
With the huge availability of free apps and online workouts though, if you do want to stay indoors invest in some workout leggings and tops and go for it. Head to Trespass for inspiration.
If the festive rush has left you frazzled, schedule in some me time to recharge your batteries at the start of the year. A salon treatment will leave you looking great, but it will also provide you with some precious ‘me time’.
Investing in looking good, will also leave you feeling good. Ezina Sanctuary at Marriotts Walk will have the perfect treatment to leave you feeling amazing and cared for inside and out. Choose from a list of treatments including manicures, pedicures and facials to start the year looking and feeling good.
Do your clothes make you feel amazing when you put them on? They should do. Whether it’s comfort that you want or glamour, you should love every item of clothing that you own. If you are wearing clothes that feel uncomfortable, or that you don’t even like this will affect the way that you feel and, in turn, act.
When you step into an outfit that you love, this will give you the confidence to get the best out of your day. Feeling positive affects everything, from the work that you do to the way you interact with people. If your wardrobe needs an overhaul, make time to hit the shops and invest in a few key pieces. Update your look at Phase Eight, Hobbs and New Look.
We also need to nourish our soul doing things that we love, whether that is going for a coffee with a friend or watching the latest film with your other half. So, while you are busy eating your five a day, also make a little time to do the things that you love and enjoy with friends and family. A sense of community and fulfilment is just as important to health and wellbeing.
Shopping at Marriotts Walk, Witney
With health and wellbeing, a little goes a long way, but it is making a start that matters. Find all that you need to get 2023 off to a fantastic start at Marriotts Walk.
- Marks & Spencer
- Café Rouge
- Caffe Nero
- Subway
- Fat Face
- Hobbs London
- JoJo Maman Bebe
- New Look
- Phase Eight
- Elina Sanctuary
- Trespass
- The shop
- Dapper Street
- Campden Wine & Spirit Co
- Alfonso Gelateria