JoJo Maman Bébé launches a community grants initiative with donations of up to £10,000.
JoJo Maman Bebe, the UK’s leading young family brand, is acting to support community projects across the UK and Ireland with their Helping Hands initiative. The fund has up to £120,000 secured at this stage, to donate between £5,000 – £10,000 to numerous organisations over the next 12 months.
Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations may apply at www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/communitygrants. The simple application process will close on 7th March 2022 this round and be repeated in 6 months. The shortlist will be selected by the JoJo board of directors and the winners decided in a public vote via the Official JoJo Maman Bébé Facebook Community.
Being part of the local community is the foundation stone of JoJo’s success. Having stores on parent friendly high streets rather than in out-of-town retail parks, has allowed the company teams to get to know resident families, supporting them through pregnancy right up to school age. Since the business launch in 1993, little models have been chosen from friends, family, and customers’ children representing true diversity. The booming omnichannel customer base will often turn to their knowledgeable JoJo store or the Welsh Customer Service team for product and childcare support.
Over the past few years JoJo has donated or raised over £1M for charity and environmental projects with a wide-ranging number of beneficiaries, both in the UK and overseas. However, this year the brand wishes to give back directly to organisations supported by those customers who have made this possible.
As Laura Tenison, JoJo’s Founder and CEO states; “Our Store and Customer Service teams are often turned to as a source of help and advice for pregnant women and new parents. We try to offer a helping hand at your time of need, and over the past couple of years we know many people have felt isolated. With our new Community Grants initiative, we will support local projects by giving them financial support in order that they may continue and expand their great work.”
She adds: “I’ve been a grass roots charity fundraiser myself and know how hard it is. £10,000 can go a long way in a well-run project and we are excited to read the applications and learn about your amazing local community support not-for-profits and favourite charities.”
This is great money for great causes, at a time when they need help the most.